October 10th 2010
Podcast101 - Creating and Hosting an Audio Podcast
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Step 3: Setting up Listener Feedback
There are two common free ways podcasters get audio feedback from their listeners.
1. K7.net 2. gmail
Lets look at setting up an account with each one.
If you listen to many podcasts you may have heard the podcaster asking for feedback and for you to call a number such as 206-666-4357 (this podCast411's call in line). In many cases those call in numbers start with 206. The reason why is that they are likely using a free service called K7.net.

Signing up to this service is simple. Simply click on "sign up".

Once you click on the one you like you will be taken to the screen above. Fill in all the information they ask for.
Under "How would you like to receive your messages?" I prefer to just have them email me the recordings. This means I do nothing other than wait for listeners to leave a message and those messages are automatically sent to my email and there is no issue of messages getting bumped off the site.
Under "In what file format do you want to listen to your K7 messages?" Make sure you select "PCM" this will give you a better quality recording.
When you are done click "Submit"
One thing we need to point out is the message at the bottom of the last screen.

They mean this on the warning. If you do not receive a voice mail message for 30 days, your number goes back into pool for others to take. This has happened to quite a few people. If you find a number you like but are not ready to launch the show, set up a reminder in your calendar to call the number every two weeks to keep it active. You might also want to keep doing that even after the show launches just to be safe.

After you click submit above you will be taken to a confirmation screen. There are additional things you can do with your account like setting up a personal message. But we will not go over those now, but I do suggest you read the email they send after you set up your account for additional information.
Once the account is setup - make a test call to see if it is working. After you are done with the call you will receive an email to the address you registered. That email will have an attachment with the voice mail message. Simply choose "Save As" from the email with a .wav extension to a folder of your choice and then per step 1 on importing an audio file go ahead and import the recording for editing.

The reason to recommend a gmail account is because of the large storage size you get with your gmail account. This will be needed if you have your listeners sending you audio comments they record on their computers. Additionally it is a good idea to register for a gmail user name that goes along with your podcast. In my case it is podcast411@gmail.com. This makes it easy for people to remember where to send you audio feedback.
Registering for a gmail account is now open to anyone, so you no longer need to be invited by someone that already has an account. Just go to www.gmail.com

In the lower Right hand side - click on "Sign up for Gmail". You will then be taken to a screen that look like the following.

Simply fill in the information they are asking for and pick a user name that goes with your podcast. Then click on "I accept, Create my account"
That is it - you will then have a Gmail account setup and ready to recieve listener feedback.
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rob AT podcast411 DOT com
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